On Wednesday, Janardhan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth in collaboration with Center for Criminology & Public Policy held an official inaugural ceremony marking the start of Criminology & Police Science courses in Lok Shikshan Vibhag, with Surendra Singh Shekhawat, DIG of Rajasthan Prisons, as its Chief Guest.
The DIG was speaking after inaugurating the commencement of ‘Criminology & Police Science courses’ launched under Directorate of Janshikshan and Extension Programmes with the aim to advance knowledge in policing and crime prevention.
In his address, DIG Shekhawat congratulated the institution for taking this academic initiative and exhorted the students to make use of the opportunity at its best. He also encouraged faculty members to offer their expertise to state prisons by organizing capacity-building programs for jailors who manage difficult and disruptive prisoners on daily basis.
On Modi 2.0’s plans to induct subject-matter specialists in crime-fighting agencies, Shekhawat said, this move will definitely improve the performance of criminal justice system. “As far as prisons industry is concerned, we need people who have specialist knowledge in criminology to be able to effectively deal with prison overcrowding and also gang infighting, recidivism and psychological distress among prisoners”.
R Rochin Chandra, a practicing professor, in its inaugural address said, that it is essential to bring criminology and police science in mainstream universities because of the upward spike in crime and the politicization of crime policy. “By scaling such courses on academic platform, we can reduce the impact of crime on everyday lives”.
Pointing out that crime is a serious problem, Chandra hoped that this course will strengthen the criminal justice machinery in Rajasthan by providing it with skilled and qualified professionals. “As we aspire to embrace smart policing and corrections, people with an intimate knowledge of crime and criminal behaviour will only complement governments’ efforts.”
Prof. Manju Mandot, Director of the Center for Women Studies, presided over the function and briefed about the diploma program. “One of the unique features of our courses is that it offers two specializations, one in women and crime and other in cyber crime and security. After the academic council green signalled the crime science courses, we collaborated with Center for Criminology & Public Policy and held several stakeholder consultations for developing our curriculum. Through this exercise, we have ensured that our syllabus is industry relevant and that our students will acquire the skills needed to join the workforce.”
Dr. Sanjeev Rajpurohit, Dr. Om Parekh and Dr. Peerkant Meena offered felicitations. Dr. Dharmendra Rajoria proposed the vote of thanks. Ms.Vinita Kewlani acted as Chief Rapporteur.